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4.2 ( 752 ratings )
Produktivitet Erhverv
Forfatter: Head Connect ApS

The Feedbapp app enables quick, real-time and sustainable development of new habits and trust on-the-job. Using the app will help you build new, sustainable habits and increased trust in your relations with important others.

There are three different ways you can use the app:
1. Self-observation: you can observe and track your own desired behavior and monitor development
2. Receive feedback: you can ask others to observe and track development on desired behaviours
3. Co-create new habits: you can influence team dynamics in a mutual feedback process where you change patterns and behaviours together

If you want to know more about how to use the Feedbapp app please contact Head Connect.

Feedbapp muliggør hurtig, umiddelbar og vedvarende udvikling af vaner og tillid på jobbet.
Brug af appen hjælper dig med at opbygge nye, vedvarende vaner og stole på dine relationer med andre.